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🧵 3D Printing Course, Innovative Learning Environments, Creative Process and Design Thinking 💡🥼👷‍♀️STEM & English Education 🎓Masterclass for Students & Teachers

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Corso Stampa 3D Printing course Online School Tinkercad Tutorial

In this course, we will explore the exciting world of 3D printing and how it can be used to enhance STEM education and foster creativity in the classroom. We will start by introducing the basics of 3D printing and how it works, including different types of 3D printers and materials. You will learn how to use 3D design software, such as Autodesk Fusion 360 or TinkerCAD, to create your own 3D models and prepare them for printing using slicing software like CURA. We will also cover the importance of choosing the right 3D printer and filament for your needs, as well as how to maintain and troubleshoot your 3D printer.

3D printing is a powerful tool that allows for the creation of a wide range of objects, from simple plastic toys to complex metal parts and structures. By following the course instruction, you can create objects that are accurate, durable, and ready for use. While the process may seem complex at first, with practice and patience, you will be able to master the skills needed to produce high-quality 3D prints!

🆕 New and updated lessons December 2022
🔤 Text: English + Translation in main languages
📎🎧 Audio-Video and PDF: English

3D Printing Course outline

This course outline is a work in progress and we are constantly updating it to ensure that it covers the most relevant and important topics in the field of 3D printing. We are committed to providing our students with the most comprehensive and up-to-date information and resources, and we are continuously revising and refining the course content to ensure that it meets the needs of our students and reflects the latest developments in the field. Click on the CURRICULUM tap for active lessons

3D Printing Course and the Maker movement

The maker movement and the rise of 3D printing have revolutionized the way we think about education and learning. The maker mindset encourages students to take an active, hands-on approach to learn, and 3D printing provides a powerful tool for bringing ideas to life. With 3D printing, students can design and print their own objects, learning valuable skills in computer-aided design (CAD), problem-solving, and critical thinking.

In addition to its educational benefits, 3D printing has the potential to transform many aspects of everyday life. From creating custom parts and prototypes to printing food and even organs, the possibilities are endless. As 3D printing becomes more prevalent and accessible, it will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future. By learning about 3D printing and the maker mindset, students can become part of this exciting movement and be prepared to shape the world of tomorrow.

3D Printing course in STEM Education and other subjects

We will delve into the role of 3D printing in STEM education, covering topics such as physics, math, engineering, and technology. You will learn how to use 3D printing to teach these concepts in a hands-on, engaging way, and we will also explore how 3D printing can be incorporated into other school subjects. This course is designed to provide teachers with ideas and activities for incorporating 3D printing into their classrooms, regardless of the subject matter. By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of how 3D printing can be used to enhance STEM education and creativity in the classroom, as well as how to connect 3D printing to other school subjects.

Here is an incomplete list for subject’s activities in the course: 🌱 Agriculture and Environmental Science; 👥 Anthropology; 🎨 Art and 📐Design; 🌌 Astronomy; 💼 Business and Economics; 🔧 Career and Technical Education; 🧪 Chemistry; 🗳️ Civic Education; 👷‍♀️ Engineering; 📚 English and Other Foreign Languages; 🧐 Ethics and Philosophy; 🌍 Geography; 📜 History and Social Studies; 🏡 Home Economics; 🎓 Language, Arts, and Critical Thinking; ⚖ Law; 🧮 Math; 🎶 Music; 💪 Physical Education and Health; 🍎 Physics; 🤔 Psychology; 🥼 Science; 🤝 Sociology; 🆘 Special Education; 👨‍🔬 Technology

3D Printing course creativity and Design Thinking

We will also explore the creative potential of 3D printing through the lens of design thinking, looking at how it can be used in the arts and design to solve problems and create innovative solutions. You will learn about different 3D printing materials and techniques for artistic expression, and how to use post-printing techniques to refine and finish your 3D printed objects. By applying design thinking principles to your 3D printing projects, you will learn how to approach creative challenges with a structured and iterative process, and how to bring your ideas to life through 3D printing.

3D Printing course 🧩 Problem solving and 🔍Troubleshooting

Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to work on your own 3D printing projects, applying the concepts and skills you have learned to bring your ideas to life. In addition to learning how to design and print 3D objects, you will also learn how to troubleshoot and solve problems that may arise during the printing process. You will learn how to identify common issues and apply strategies for fixing them, helping you to become a confident and capable 3D printing creator. By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and skills needed to take on complex 3D printing projects with confidence and solve problems as they arise.

3D Printing course 🛡️Safety and waste reduction

It’s important to note that 3D printing involves some 🛡️ safety considerations. We will cover these in the course to ensure that you know how to use 3D printers safely and responsibly. We will also discuss the ethical and environmental implications of 3D printing, such as the potential for waste reduction and sustainable design.

By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in 3D printing and how it can be used to enhance STEM education and creativity in the classroom. You will also have the skills and knowledge needed to pursue a career in the field of 3D printing, whether it be in engineering, design, or another industry that uses this innovative technology. So let’s get started!

🔬🎨 STEAM Education💡Ideas, 🥼 Activities, 🥽 Interactive Simulations & LABs, and resources for 🎓Educators

Our lesson plans feature a variety of 💡 ideas and 🥼 activities for learners to explore and learn, interactive 🥽 simulations/virtual labs that allow for hands-on, visual learning, projects, and case studies that will allow learners to apply the concepts and skills learned in a practical setting to help learners understand and retain information. They can also be used as a supplement to traditional classroom instruction, allowing learners to delve deeper into concepts at their own pace.

The 🔬🎨 STEAM activities are designed to help learners develop creative and artistic skills, as well as 🧐Critical Thinking, ❓ Problem-Solving, 🤝 Collaboration & Teamwork, 📢 Communication skills, and using 🧰 Tools. For example, learners might be asked to create drawings, paintings, or sculptures inspired by the objects and events they learn about in the lesson, write stories/posts about their experiences, and create music or other creative content inspired by the themes of the course. They’ll encourage learners to think about the connections between different subjects and how they can be used to solve real-world problems and create new innovations.

For educators, we offer 🎓 resources including lesson plans and extra materials to help integrate the course content into the classrooms and maximize their educational value. The goal is to provide interactive and engaging content that assists students in learning and comprehending important STEM concepts, as well as valuable resources for educators.

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🧵 Intro to 3D Printing and innovative learning environments
📐3D Modelling - Mockup & Prototyping - 3D Design Software
🔪 Slicing Software and 3D Printing your model
🧰 3D Printer Setting and essentials | Safety | Care & Troubleshooting
🎓 At School: 3D printing in the classroom
👷‍♀️ 3D Printing in STEM Education and other 🎓School subjects
🧩 Problem Solving 🎨 Creativity 📐Design Thinking with 3D Printing
Course available for 90 days
Course details
Lectures 77

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or all Educators, Researchers, Parents, Students, and Homeschoolers, we created the CARE4Space Community inspired by the Ad Astra Nova School of Elon Musk. Our focus is on STEAM Education, Engineering, Rocketry & Space, Disruptive Innovation & Exponential Technologies, Gifted kids & Special needs Education. 👉 Join now!
