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👷‍♂️ Thinking Like a Rocket Scientist and Engineer: Unlock the secrets of First Principles Thinking, Physics, Engineering and Problem-Solving Skills

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SmartKids School Course Thinking Like a Rocket Scientist and Engineer

Welcome to the First Principles Thinking Course! Are you ready to take your problem-solving and critical-thinking skills to the next level? This course is designed to teach you the skills and concepts you need to think like an engineer and solve real-world problems using the first principles of thinking.

🔤 Text: English + Translation in other languages
🎧 Audio-Video: English with subtitles in other languages

It is important to note that this course is not just about learning how to think like an engineer, it’s about learning how to think like an innovative problem solver, and it is for that reason that this course can be applied to any field. This course is designed to give you the tools to analyze any problem and find a solution using first principles thinking.

First principles thinking is a powerful problem-solving tool developed by entrepreneur and innovator Elon Musk. It is a way of breaking down complex problems by analyzing the basics, or “first principles,” of a problem and using them to create new and innovative solutions.

In this course, you will learn how to use the first principles of thinking to analyze and solve problems in engineering and other fields and you will have the opportunity to participate in interactive and hands-on activities that will help you develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. You will learn about the engineering design process, simulation and game-based learning, teamwork, the importance of making ethical decisions, and how to consider the impact of your decisions on others.

The course is designed for students of all levels who are interested in engineering, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Whether you are a student, an entrepreneur, or just someone who wants to learn more about first principles thinking, this course is for you.

Throughout the First Principles Thinking Course, you will be able to:

  • to Analyze real-world problems using first principles thinking
  • Understand concepts such as incentives, risk, scarcity, and trade-offs
  • Apply the engineering design process to develop solutions to real-world problems
  • Understand the importance of teamwork and collaboration
  • to Make ethical decisions and consider the impact of your decisions on others
  • Develop a disposition towards learning and complexity

This course is taught by experts in the field and includes interactive activities, lectures, and real-world problem-solving exercises. By the end of the course, you will have the skills and knowledge you need to think like an engineer and solve real-world problems using first principles thinking.

Enroll now and take the first step toward a brighter future!

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👷‍♂️ Introduction and First Principles
👷‍♂️ Engineers and the Engineering Design Process
👷‍♂️ Defining the Problem - Research and Gathering Information
👷‍♂️ Solving Problem - Trial Error - Fail - Improve
🚀 Aerospace Engineering
🍎 Applying First Principles to Physics and Economics
🧠 Brainstorming for Generating Ideas and Mind map
🎮 Simulation Game-based Learning and 🎓 Disposition towards Learning and Complexity
💼 Entrepreneurship and Business Thinking
🤝 Collaboration and Effective Teamwork - Make Ethical Decisions
🤝 Disagree Constructively - The art of Negotiation - ❓ Conundrum to test critical thinking
Course available for 90 days
Course details
Lectures 85
Quizzes 1

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or all Educators, Researchers, Parents, Students, and Homeschoolers, we created the CARE4Space Community inspired by the Ad Astra Nova School of Elon Musk. Our focus is on STEAM Education, Engineering, Rocketry & Space, Disruptive Innovation & Exponential Technologies, Gifted kids & Special needs Education. 👉 Join now!
