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🥽 Lab AV VR Course 2023 🤯 Metaverse in Education using the best Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality headsets or 🧊 Merge Cube on 📱iPad

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AV VR Course and Metaverse in Education

Welcome to our AV VR Course on using AR and VR headsets in education. This course is designed to provide educators and instructional designers with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively incorporate augmented and virtual reality technology into their teaching practices.

🔤 Text: English + Translation in other languages
🎧 Audio-Video: English with subtitles in other languages

This course shares some lessons with the course 🎓 Teaching in the Digital Age

Throughout the AV VR Course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of AR and VR technology and their potential uses in education. We will begin by exploring the differences between AR and VR and discussing how each can be applied to enhance different aspects of teaching and learning. You will also learn about the latest trends, possibilities, and potentials of AR and VR in the educational field, and how to evaluate the effectiveness of AR and VR technology in education.

Next, we will dive into the practical aspects of using AR and VR technology in the classroom. This includes setting up and configuring AR and VR headsets, creating and utilizing AR and VR educational content, and implementing AR and VR in the classroom. We will also cover hands-on experience with creating and implementing AR and VR lessons and activities, and addressing and overcoming challenges that may arise when using AR and VR in the classroom.

In addition to this, we will discuss the concept of the metaverse and its potential implications for education. We will explore the current state of the metaverse in education and its potential future developments. You will also have the opportunity to engage in hands-on experience creating and implementing metaverse-based lessons and activities.

Furthermore, we will cover the use of iPads for VR, AR and MergeCube in education, including setting up and configuring iPads for VR, AR and MergeCube apps, creating and implementing VR, AR and MergeCube activities and lessons using iPads, and evaluating the effectiveness of using iPads for VR, AR and MergeCube in education.

Finally, we will examine the current state and future possibilities of AR and VR technology in education. We will examine current and emerging trends in AR and VR technology and discuss how they are impacting education. Additionally, we will explore the potential for new and innovative uses of AR and VR in education, such as the metaverse, and consider the ethical and societal implications of AR and VR in education, including privacy and security concerns, and the potential impact of AR and VR technology on the future of education.

Throughout the course, you will engage in hands-on activities, exercises, and projects that will help you to better understand the different ways that AR and VR can be used in the classroom, such as creating interactive simulations, enhancing visual aids, and creating immersive educational experiences. In addition, you will have the opportunity to work with different tools, software, and platforms and gain practical skills that will enable you to create and implement AR and VR activities and lessons in your own classroom.

🥽 AV VR Course outline

🥽 Introduction to AR and VR and the 🤯 Metaverse in Education

We will begin by providing an overview of AR and VR technology and their potential uses in education and the Metaverse. We will explore the differences between AR and VR and discuss how each can be applied to enhance different aspects of teaching and learning.

We will explore the basics of AR and VR technology and the various ways that they can be used in education, such as providing interactive simulations, enhancing visual aids, and creating engaging and immersive educational experiences. We will dive deeper into the differences between AR and VR, focusing on the unique strengths of each technology and the types of educational content that are best suited for them.

We will explore the concept of the metaverse and its potential implications for education. We will define what the metaverse is, how it works, and the different forms that it can take. We will also discuss how it can be used to enhance teaching and learning and what kind of benefits it can bring.

We will discuss the current state of the metaverse in education and its potential future developments. This will include an examination of current and emerging trends, as well as potential future applications and possibilities for the metaverse in education. Finally, we will provide hands-on experience creating and implementing metaverse-based lessons and activities, allowing you to explore and experiment with the possibilities of this technology in education.

🌐 Going Online Safely – Digital Literacy and Citizenship

This section of the course focuses on the critical aspect of digital literacy and citizenship, especially in the context of online safety. It covers a range of topics, from fostering rational thinking and adapting to remote learning to maximizing the benefits of digital media while minimizing the risks. The section delves into the importance of online cyber safety for children and provides strategies for teaching them. It also covers tools and resources for parental control to monitor and control children’s online activities.

The course further explores the 9Ps of Digital Citizenship and how to teach them, emphasizing the importance of responsible online behavior. Additionally, it discusses cyberbullying, how to recognize and prevent it, and offers security tips for protecting personal information online. Overall, this section of the course aims to help learners navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.

🥽📱Using iPads for VR, AR, and MergeCube in Education

We will explore the use of iPads for creating and delivering VR, AR, and MergeCube experiences in education. We will provide an overview of VR, AR and MergeCube apps available for iPads and their potential uses in education. We will also discuss the advantages and limitations of using iPads as a device to access those experiences.

We will guide you through the process of setting up and configuring iPads for use with VR, AR and MergeCube apps. This will include information on the necessary hardware, software, and accessories needed to use iPads for VR, AR and MergeCube activities. You will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on experience with creating and implementing VR, AR and MergeCube activities and lessons using iPads.

We will evaluate the effectiveness of using iPads for VR, AR and MergeCube in education, including the advantages and limitations of this platform, and strategies for addressing any challenges that may arise.

🔲 Virtual worlds with Roblox and its potential uses in education

Roblox is an incredibly engaging and immersive platform that provides a unique approach to gaming and learning. Its features include game development tools, a social aspect, a virtual economy, and various safety features. These features make it an excellent platform for educators to use as a tool to teach coding, game design, and virtual entrepreneurship, among other subjects.

This section of the course is all about using the popular online platform, Roblox, in education. The course starts with an overview of the platform, including its features and potential uses in the classroom. From there, the course dives into helping students create their own Roblox accounts, customize their avatars, and learn from the games they play. The course also covers how to use Roblox Studio, the platform’s game development tool, to create and publish games.

In addition to technical skills, we emphasize the importance of collaboration and effective communication within a team. Students are taught how to work together to assign tasks, develop their games, and reflect on their experiences. The course even covers using AI to enhance game development with ChatGPT for Roblox Scripting.

🥽⚙ Setting up and Configuring AR and VR Headsets

We will focus on the practical aspects of using AR and VR technology in the classroom. We will cover the hardware and software requirements for AR and VR in education, including the types of devices and platforms that are needed to run AR and VR content.

We will also discuss the different types of AR and VR headsets available and their features and capabilities. We will guide you through the process of setting up and configuring AR and VR headsets for use in the classroom. We will also discuss best practices for maintaining and troubleshooting AR and VR headsets to ensure that they are working properly and are ready for use in the classroom.

🥽🏫Creating and Utilizing AR and VR Educational Content

We will focus on the process of creating and obtaining AR and VR educational content that can be used in the classroom. We will discuss best practices for creating and designing AR and VR educational content, including tips for creating immersive and engaging experiences. We will also provide a range of tools and resources that can be used to create and edit AR and VR content.

We will discuss various ways of obtaining AR and VR educational content that can be used in the classroom. This can include creating your own content, using pre-existing content or using commercially available content. Finally, we will cover how to integrate AR and VR content into lesson plans and activities, which will be an essential step for using these tools in the classroom effectively.

🥽👨‍🎓 Implementing AR and VR in the Classroom

We will focus on the practical aspects of using AR and VR in the classroom. We will provide you with hands-on experience creating and implementing AR and VR lessons and activities. This will include a series of exercises and projects that will help you to understand the different ways that AR and VR can be used in the classroom, such as creating interactive simulations, enhancing visual aids, and creating immersive educational experiences.

We will discuss strategies for effectively integrating AR and VR into classroom instruction, including tips for creating and implementing lesson plans and activities that incorporate AR and VR. Finally, we will address common challenges that educators face when using AR and VR in the classroom and provide tips and strategies for overcoming these challenges.

🥽🎓 Evaluating the Effectiveness of AR and VR in Education

We will focus on assessing the impact of AR and VR on student learning and engagement. We will provide you with a thorough understanding of various methods for measuring and assessing the effectiveness of AR and VR in the classroom. This will include a range of techniques for measuring student learning, engagement, motivation, and satisfaction, as well as strategies for analyzing data and feedback from AR and VR educational experiences.

We will also be looking at different evaluation tools, such as surveys, questionnaires, and observation forms, and how to use them to analyze and interpret data. Furthermore, we will discuss strategies for using evaluation results to inform and improve future AR and VR educational efforts and the importance of ongoing evaluation in the classroom.

🥽📈 Current Trends and Future Possibilities in AR and VR Education

We will focus on the current state and future possibilities of AR and VR technology in education. We will examine current and emerging trends in AR and VR technology and discuss how they are impacting education. This will include a discussion of current applications and research in the field, as well as potential future developments in technology and their implications for education.

We will also explore the potential for new and innovative uses of AR and VR in education, such as the metaverse. Additionally, we will consider the ethical and societal implications of AR and VR in education, including privacy and security concerns, and the potential impact of AR and VR technology on the future of education.

By the end of the course, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills you need to effectively integrate AR and VR technology into your teaching practice. You will have a deep understanding of the potential of AR and VR technology to enhance student learning and engagement, and you will be able to design and deliver engaging and effective AR and VR educational experiences.

And you’ll have a clear understanding of the current and future trends of AR and VR and its implications on society, so you can navigate this emerging and rapidly evolving field with confidence.

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information, such as images, text, or videos, onto the user’s view of the real world. This creates an enhanced or “augmented” version of reality. AR can be experienced through a variety of devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or specialized AR headsets. Examples of AR include Pokemon Go, an AR mobile game where players catch virtual Pokemon in the real world, and Ikea Place, an AR app that allows users to see how furniture would look in their homes before purchasing.

Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that creates a fully immersive, computer-generated environment in which the user can interact. VR can be experienced through specialized VR headsets that display a stereo image to each eye and use head tracking to adjust the image as the user moves. Examples of VR include video games, where players can interact with and explore a virtual world, and simulations, where users can experience and learn about a particular environment or situation in a safe, controlled way.

The metaverse refers to a virtual world that is designed to be fully immersive and interactive. In the metaverse, users can interact with and explore digital environments, objects, and other users in real time. It is often imagined as a virtual world that seamlessly integrates with the physical world, where users can interact with digital content and other users in a natural and intuitive way.

The metaverse is still in the early stages of development, but it has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries, including entertainment, social interaction, commerce, and education. In the realm of education, it could be used to create immersive and interactive learning experiences, where students can explore virtual worlds, interact with digital content, and collaborate with other students in real time. It could also be used to create virtual classrooms, where students can attend class and participate in activities from anywhere in the world.

It is worth mentioning that the metaverse still needs to overcome some technical challenges, such as a standard of interoperability, privacy, and security, and challenges related to the complexity of building a virtual world that can be shared by millions of users.

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🥽🎓 Introduction to AR and VR and the Metaverse in Education
🌐 Going Online Safely - Digital Literacy and Citizenship
📱 Using iPads for VR AR and 🧊 MergeCube in Education
🔲 Virtual worlds with Roblox and its potential uses in education
⚙ Choosing - Setting up and Configuring 🥽 AR and VR Headsets
🥽 Creating and utilizing AR and VR Educational Content
🎓 Implementing AR and VR in the Classroom Effectiveness and Trends
Course available for 90 days
Course details
Lectures 65

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