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πŸ‘©β€πŸ« Windows STEM LAB setup and Troubleshooting, Online Safety, Digital Boards, 3D Printing and AV VR

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Windows STEM LAB Setup and Troubleshooting, Online Safety, Digital Boards, 3D Printing and AV VR

This course is designed to help educators and Computer lab assistant teachers develop digital competence and use digital technologies effectively in education. The course covers a range of topics, starting with an introduction to the DigiCompEdu framework, followed by online safety, setup and troubleshooting techniques forΒ  STEM Labs with Windows computers, network issues, user account issues, printer issues, malware, and virus issues, and the Sysinternals Suite. The course also explores system tools, DigitalBoards utilities, and web apps that can improve productivity and enhance the teaching experience.

πŸ”€ Text: English + Translation in other languages
🎧 Audio-Video: English with subtitles in other languages

This Course shares some lessons with the course πŸ₯½ Lab AV VR Course and πŸŽ“ Teaching in the Digital Age

The course concludes with an exciting introduction to AR, VR, and the metaverse in education. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of AR and VR technologies and their potential uses in education, including immersive learning experiences, simulations, and interactive games. The course includes essential information about choosing, setting up, and configuring AR and VR headsets, MergeCube, and iPad. By the end of this course, participants will have the foundational knowledge and skills needed to use digital technologies confidently and effectively in education.

Advantages for Educators:

  • Gain knowledge of online security, which can be applied to protect the student’s personal information and the school’s network.
  • Learn Windows troubleshooting, which can help with resolving software and hardware issues in computers.
  • Understand hardware and software management in STEM LABs, which can help with keeping the software up-to-date and maintaining the systems’ integrity.

πŸŽ“ Introduction and DigiCompEdu

The first section of the course introduces participants to the course’s objectives and the DigiCompEdu framework. Participants will learn how to use digital technologies in education and how to support students’ digital competence. The section will also focus on providing an overview of the course’s structure and the necessary resources for a successful learning experience.

🌐 Going Online Safely – Digital Literacy and Citizenship

The basics of digital literacy and citizenship. Participants will learn how to recognize and avoid online scams, identify secure websites, and protect their personal information online. The section will also cover the ethical aspects of digital citizenship and how to communicate respectfully and safely online.

πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Intro to Windows Troubleshooting

The basics of Windows and troubleshooting techniques. Participants will learn about the Windows operating system, system requirements, and the difference between the desktop and the Start screen. Additionally, the section will cover how to troubleshoot common Windows issues and how to identify the root cause of the problem.

🎫 Windows Control Panel

Participants will learn how to navigate the Control Panel and customize their computer’s settings. The section will also cover how to manage devices, printers, and user accounts from the Control Panel.

🌐 Troubleshooting Network Issues

Participants will learn how to identify and resolve network issues, such as connectivity issues, slow internet speeds, and Wi-Fi problems. The section will also cover how to use basic network troubleshooting tools.

πŸ‘€ Troubleshooting Windows User Account Issues

Participants will learn how to create and manage user accounts, reset passwords, and troubleshoot user profile issues. The section will also cover how to use the Windows Event Viewer to diagnose user account issues.

πŸ–¨ Troubleshooting Windows Printer Issues

Participants will learn how to identify and resolve common printer issues, such as paper jams, connectivity problems, and printer driver issues. The section will also cover how to install and configure a printer on a Windows computer.

πŸ›‘ Troubleshooting Windows Malware and Virus Issues

Participants will learn how to recognize and remove malware and viruses from their computers. The section will also cover how to use Windows Defender and other antivirus software to protect their computer from malware and viruses.

πŸ›‘ Using Sysinternals Suite

Participants will learn how to use the tools included in the Sysinternals Suite to diagnose and troubleshoot advanced Windows issues, such as process and memory management, system information, and network activity monitoring. The section will also cover how to use the Sysinternals Suite to optimize system performance and troubleshoot performance issues.

πŸ“ System Tools and Utilities

In this section, you will learn about various system tools and digital boards utilities that can improve your productivity and enhance your teaching experience. You will discover how to use WinSCP, a secure file transfer tool, to move files between local and remote computers using SFTP. You will also learn how to clean your PC with CCleaner Free and how to install ChromeOS on any computer.

πŸ‘©β€πŸ« DigitalBoards in Education

This course section is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of using digital boards in education. It covers the benefits of using digital boards in the classroom and the different types of digital boards and features available. The section also covers how to set up and prepare lessons using digital boards, as well as troubleshooting common issues that may arise.

There are also several demos provided, including a full demo of getting started with a SMART Boards, how to use the SMART Screen Recorder, and a demo of using the SMART Notebook in the classroom. Additionally, the section explores the ClassroomScreen and Google Jamboard tools, as well as tutorials and resources for using Kahoot! to create engaging quizzes and activities for students.

🧰 3D Printer Setting and essentials | Safety | Care & Troubleshooting

we will cover the essentials of 3D printing, including the settings needed for a standard filament 3D printer and some examples. We will also explore the parts names, care, and maintenance required for 3D printing filament printers. Safety is a top priority, and we will discuss the importance of proper ventilation and electrical safety when using 3D printers.

Additionally, we will cover the unboxing and setup process of your 3D printer, including alignment and leveling. Inevitably, troubleshooting is part of any 3D printing process, and we will provide tips and techniques for identifying and fixing common issues. Lastly, we will go over strategies for identifying and fixing problems that may arise during the 3D printing process. By the end of this course, you will have the foundational knowledge and skills needed to safely and effectively use a 3D printer.

Intro to πŸ₯½πŸŽ“ AR, VR and Metaverse in Education

An exciting introduction to the world of AR, VR, and the metaverse in education. The course begins by providing an overview of virtual worlds and the benefits and risks associated with their use in the classroom. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of AR and VR technologies and their potential uses in education, including immersive learning experiences, simulations, and interactive games.

The concept of the metaverse is also explored, with a focus on its potential implications for education. The course will delve into the workings of the metaverse and examine five ways in which virtual reality can be used in school and business, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of this technology in education.

βš™ Choosing – Setting up and Configuring πŸ₯½ AR and VR Headsets

Choosing, setting up, and configuring AR and VR headsets is a critical step in integrating these technologies into education. First, it’s important to choose the right headset that meets the needs of your students and the educational goals you have in mind. This includes considering factors such as cost, functionality, and compatibility with existing hardware and software. Next, it’s important to understand the hardware and software requirements for AR and VR, which may vary depending on the specific headset you choose.

Once you have your headset, setting it up correctly is essential to ensure optimal performance and minimize technical issues. Safety is also a key consideration, particularly when it comes to using these technologies with younger students. Finally, regular troubleshooting and maintenance are essential to keep your AR and VR headsets in good working order, allowing you to continue to explore the possibilities of these technologies in the classroom.

🧊 Mergecube and iPad

The MergeCube is a unique AR tool that provides an interactive experience for students. When paired with an iPad, the MergeCube opens up a world of possibilities for educators to create engaging lessons using VR and AR technology. In this course section, participants will gain hands-on experience in creating and implementing VR, AR, and MergeCube activities using iPads.

The section also covers the setup and configuration of iPads for use with VR, AR, and MergeCube apps. Additionally, participants will learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of using iPads for VR, AR, and MergeCube in education, ensuring that the technology is being used to enhance learning outcomes.

Join the Course:

Join our course today to gain essential skills in online security, Windows troubleshooting, and software management for STEM LABs. By completing the course, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the digital world safely and troubleshoot common issues with ease. Sign up now to begin your journey toward becoming a more confident and capable digital citizen

Don’t miss this opportunity to take advantage of the latest technology to enhance education and promote essential life skills.

πŸ‘‰ Join our Discord Server to ask questions, share progress and learn & engage with others

πŸŽ“ Introduction and DigiCompEdu
🌐 Going Online Safely - Digital Literacy and Citizenship
πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Intro to Windows Troubleshooting
🎫 Windows Control Panel
πŸ“ Windows Tools and Troubleshooting Techniques
🌐 Network Troubleshooting Issues
πŸ‘€ Troubleshooting Windows User Account Issues
πŸ›‘ Troubleshooting Windows Malware and Virus Issues
πŸ›‘ Using Sysinternals Suite for Troubleshooting
πŸ–¨ Troubleshooting Windows Printer Issues
πŸ“ System Tools, utilities, web app and Chrome extensions
πŸ‘©β€πŸ« DigitalBoards in Education
🧰 3D Printer Setting and essentials | Safety | Care & Troubleshooting
Intro to πŸ₯½πŸŽ“ AR, VR and Metaverse in Education
βš™ Choosing - Setting up and Configuring πŸ₯½ AR and VR Headsets
🧊 Mergecube and iPad
Course available for 90 days
Course details
Lectures 115

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