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πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Free Course Empowering Girls & Women in STEM Education and Career Success. 5 Steps to close the gap and make a difference in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Space



Career Paths in STEM

Video lesson

πŸŸ’πŸš€πŸ—ΊοΈ Map of Rocketry Team in Europe

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Rocketry teams in Europe are organizations that bring together students and other enthusiasts who are interested in the design, construction, and launch of rockets. These teams are typically affiliated with universities or other academic institutions, and they may participate in competitions such as the European Robotic Challenge (EuRoC) or other rocketry events.

Rocketry teams in Europe can be found in all countries in EU and are often composed of undergraduate or graduate students who are studying subjects such as engineering, physics, or aerospace technology.

One of the main goals of these teams is to design and build experimental rockets that can perform a variety of tasks, such as reaching a specific altitude or carrying payloads. In order to achieve these goals, team members must work together to design and build the rocket, conduct tests and simulations, and analyze data from the rocket’s flights.

In addition to participating in competitions, many rocketry teams in Europe also engage in other activities such as outreach and education, with the goal of promoting the study of rocketry and STEM subjects to younger students.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Student Rocketry Teams and recruiting Map made by

If you are interested in joining a student rocketry team, you can use this Google Maps to find teams in your area or in other locations. To do this, you can use the emoji key provided in the map to identify which teams are currently recruiting members.

To join a rocketry team, you can follow the link provided in the map description to access the team’s recruitment form. This form will typically ask for information about your background and experience in rocketry, as well as your goals and strengths and the requirement to join, typically being a local student of their university.

In addition to the recruitment information, you can also find information about studying in the team’s country and the full interview with the team organized by chapters in the video description. This can help you learn more about the team and what it is like to study and work in their country.

🎬=🟑 Interview done, check for recruiting
🏠=🟠Recruit open for Local Members only
πŸ’»=πŸ”΅Recruit open for 🏠 Local &πŸ’» Remote Members
🀝For teams with active recruitment, there is a link page to apply

πŸ†• To join as a team or update the data

🎬 For each interviewed team you will find even info about studying in their country, 🎯Your Goals & Strengths. The full interview is organized by chapters, check the description of the video.